
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yoga at the sea side

I am organising a Yoga day at the sea side this coming Sunday (the 27th of June).
Come and join us for Yoga, Sun and the beach! :)

  • The programm:
7:15     meet up at Gare centrale
9:00     arrival at knokke
9:30-11:00    yoga practise
11:00-11:30    Meditation
11:30   lunch (I don't know if you guys prefer bringing your own lunch or eat outside? I am ok with both option)
13:30-14:30   some basic theories about yoga practise and group discussion
15:00   Afternoon drink
16:30   Departure for Brussels

  • The cost of the day is 10€ (a normal class cost) + the ticket train and your own lunch/drink.

  • Subscription is mandatory, please send me an email or call me by Saturday 5 p.m. to confirm your participation.
Hope to hear from you for our Yoga day at the sea side!



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer skin care

Summer is my favorite season... the Sun, the beach and of course for the fact that I can wear all my beautiful Summer dresses, shorts haha...

My skin is that sensitive mixted type, when I get tanned, it becomes more oily... so for all your mixted skin type ladies, I'd share my Summer skin care secret today with you. :-)

I used to pay tones of money on super expensive facial masks and most of the time, the result is deceiving... :-( now the only mask I use is the cheap one I make myself and it works wonder!

In order to make the mask, you need:
  • white clay powder (I use the white one because it is milder than the green one)
  • flower water (you can use simple mineral water as well, I got the organic one from Di)
You can find these in an organic shop.

Put 2 spoons of white clay powder in a little bowl.

Add little by little the flower water in the white clay, don't add too much at a time, do it slowly...
You can control the thickness of the mask by controlling the quantity of added water. I like my mask think but not liquid (otherwise it won't stay on your face).
Before applying the mask on the face, remove the make-ups if you wear some... and clean your face and exfoliate it with a mild exfoliant. I use this white clay one that you can find in lots of beauty stores... it is fine so it desn't agress your skin.

Now apply the mask on your face and of course avoid your eyes... leave it for 10-15 minutes depending on the thickness of your mask... If you want, you can even wet the mask once it gets dried and leave it a bit longer on the face... then simply wash it off, and apply some tonic and cream to hydratate your epiderm.

And don't forget, you can nurrish your skin by eating fresh veggies and fruits. Summer is the ideal season to do this! Carottes are known for keeping your tan and make your skin glow... snack on carottes and yellow fruits will help you to have a beautiful glowing skin in Summer! :-)